In movies, most of us remember the main character. But at the Oscars, they also give awards to the supporting cast.
This blog post is dedicated to the solo-preneurs and small business owners like me. Maybe you are a CEO, a salon owner, a life coach, an aesthetician or you own a restaurant. Whatever the case maybe, if you are self employed or own a small business, chances are that during COVID, your income took a hit. My business coach helped me overcome something that I want to share with you.
I took a hit on my income in 2020. Client budgets were getting slimmer. CEO’s started to be more careful and my budgets were cut. I also went through a burnout that I’ll talk about when I’m ready, but I had to take a break of some of the work that I was doing. All of that gave my business a gap in cashflow.
My first decision had to be, to choose success first. The HOW the success will come, doesn’t really have to matter. For example, let’s say if I want to make $350,000 a year. That is the first decision. It should not matter if it comes from service A or service B. The result is the goal and there are different roads to get there.
I was going all wrong about that.
My passion is in my business and in the tasks that I love to do, where I can shine as the leader. But I was blocking myself for new opportunities to grow my business.
In my head, I was the main character. I had to be the superstar. And the money had to come from the services that I love to do. In business leadership, you have a type A, the Alpha which is the head in charge, the owner, the superstar. And you have the type B, which is the right hand, the wing man, the closest assistant. My business coach helped me see that I don’t always have to be the Alpha in charge. I can also be an amazing type B. Even better, sometimes when you are the type B, you learn how to be a better and bigger Alpha in the future.
Once I decided that the result is the goal and the HOW doesn’t matter. I opened up my mind to take the role of a type B and assist other CEO’s that I would usually consider my competition. They are in other countries, with a way larger audience and way bigger budgets. Once I was okay to step off my throne and accept that I’m not the Alpha in charge, I attracted opportunities to help celebrity brands with their social media sales behind the scenes.
And guess what, not only will this close the gap in my income, I am learning a whole new service package that will be added to my business. SHANNY SOMMER BRANDING will now also have the service of helping international influencers sell during their launches for high ticket price offers.
With what I’m learning, we now also have systems in place to help insurance companies, car dealers, retailers and all businesses that sell to consumer. I now have a service that gives me an edge for which I have very few competition. And it adds perfectly to the services that I already have.
So now, guess who is coming out bigger and better after the pandemic…. My business! HA!
CEO’s, freelancers, solo-preneurs:
Step off your throne of being the main character for a second. Open up your mind for new ways to use your skills. You never know what you may learn that can help you grow your business. Sometimes you need to expand and help others, to build up your cash flow, advertising budget and brand.
Do you feel stuck on ways to increase cash flow during these times? Let’s brainstorm on ways that you can diversify and use your skills. Book a free consultation here: